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whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

Dec 26, 2016

Mr. Michael Staples is a well-respected authority on Chinese martial arts, with several books to his credit. He's written about and studied Kung fu, White Crane and other styles with some of the American pioneers.

Mr. Michael Staples - Episode 147

...but Ron is like a ballet dancer. He's just snipping things left and...

Dec 22, 2016

Zen in the Martial Arts is a classic martial art book written by Joe Hyams. It was recently selected as the #1 martial arts book by guests of this show.

Zen in the Martial Arts - Episode 146

You can read our post on the Top Ten Martial Arts Books as selected by our guests.

It’s time for episode 146 of whistlekick...

Dec 19, 2016

Mr. Kevin Galloway is a passionate martial arts instructor, school owner and tournament promoter. His stories show an immense dedication to the arts and his students.

Mr. Kevin Galloway - Episode 145

You can tell a real black belt. They don't get too excited, they don't get too low, don't get too high. But what...

Dec 15, 2016

Conversation and Strategies on Handling Challenging Martial Arts Students - Adults & Children

Difficult Students - Episode 144

Today's episode is completely off the cuff - no notes, no transcript no guest - just host Jeremy giving you his thoughts on handling challenging individuals in your martial arts school....