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whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

Nov 28, 2016

Past guest Master Brendan Goodall returned to chat with Jeremy about a variety of martial arts topics.

Conversations with Master Brendan Goodall - Episode 139

For today's episode I had a chat with Master Goodall as we drove out to evening plans on Thanksgiving Day. We talk about a variety of martial arts subjects from...

Nov 24, 2016

We're all part of a martial arts family, simply by sharing the common bond of training for self-improvement.

Martial Arts Family - Episode 138

For a full transcript and other episodes, please visit

Nov 21, 2016

Sensei Brandon Benenati - Episode 137

I've known Sensei Brandon Benenati for a couple years, first introduced to him by Master Adam Grogin, from all the way back on episode 5. I had the chance to attend 2015's Super Summer Seminars with him and really enjoyed his personality and approach to martial arts. He's a...

Nov 14, 2016

Sensei Katie Jordan is a Shotokan karate practitioner from Maine, now living in Massachusetts.

Sensei Katie Jordan - Episode 136

I really think competition makes people better. You see different fighters, you see different styles, you see what works for people and what doesn't.

I first met Sensei Katie Jordan in 2015...

Nov 10, 2016

Most of our guests are men, it's true. Some have even accused the martial arts realm of being inherently sexist. We talk about this and more today.

Women in Martial Arts - Episode 135

On today's episode, we discuss why there are so few women on the show, sexism, the case against mandatory white training pants and a lot...