Sep 28, 2017
In this episode, Jeremy talks about respect at martial arts events. As the cliché goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Arrogance and pride may get in our head sometimes, leading us to look down on people around us or what they're doing. When we’re invited to a friend’s house, we must...
Sep 25, 2017
Kyoshi Brent Crisci is a karate practitioner and teacher from Maine. He is the founder of United Martial Art Academies.
To me, that's what sport karate does. It builds that type of integrity and it build that kind of pride.
In this episode, we talk with Kyoshi Brent Crisci who is also...
Sep 21, 2017
This episode is a rebroadcast of Episode 51 of Fight for a Happy Life with Sensei Ando Mierzwa where he interviewed Jeremy about more of his personal side and of course, how to fight for a happy life!
Sep 18, 2017
Grand Master James Faralli is a Hapkido instructor and the force behind the American Hapkido Alliance.
I have an addictive personality, which translates as whatever happens to be that I am into, I have to be a hundred and ten percent...
Most people struggle to move forward in...