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whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

Apr 30, 2018

Master Tim Smith is a martial arts practitioner, instructor and an anti-bullying advocate based in Durango, Colorado.

I can always spot the one that I know who’s gonna make it to black belt and above. they have something a little bit different in their eyes. I think that they were destined to wear black belts...

Apr 26, 2018

On this episode, Jeremy talks about the next generation of martial artists and their role in the future of martial arts.

The Next Generation and Martial Arts - Episode 287

On today's episode, Jeremy looks at some of the emails from you, listeners, and he came across a very interesting question about the present and...

Apr 23, 2018

Sifu Ken Gullette is an Internal Arts practitioner, podcaster, and instructor at Ken Gullette’s Internal Fighting Arts.

Don't check your brain at the door of a martial arts school. Maintain your critical thinking, don't put your teachers in pedestals...

Shifu Ken Gullette - Episode 286

Today’s guest started his...

Apr 19, 2018

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the life and career of one of the most celebrated international martial arts actor of our time, Chow Yun Fat.

Chow Yun Fat - Episode 285

Chow Yun Fat's career is a mixture of ups and downs that started from humble beginnings in Hong Kong. He had various works from postman to being...

Apr 16, 2018

Mr. Larry Zickefoose is a martial arts practitioner and an instructor at Karate Town USA. Mr. Zickefoose is now based in Kentucky.

I didn't care what style it was. If there was one near me, I'd go down and work out with them...

Mr. Larry Zickefoose - Episode 284

Most the martial artists find inspiration to get into...